The MyFitnessPal total includes not only your daily goals, but also the calories needed to reach the goals you have set within the program, such as lose 1 pound, (we originally deduct these calories when providing your daily goals on MyFitnessPal, they then must be added back in when comparing against your actual total burn from your partner device). On the calculation page, under the partner totals, you should then see your MyFitnessPal total (Fig 3, c). Depending on when you last sync, there may be a slight variation between one day and the next as the two values catch up to each other. At midnight, the projected sync and your actual sync should then match exactly.

It is also necessary to make sure your partner device and MyFitnessPal are set to the same time zones (time zones can be updated in the main settings). When viewing your adjustment, you should see a number directly under the partner, which represents the instant sync (Fig 3, a), and a number to the right of the partner which represents our projection for the day based on your current sync (Fig 3, b).īecause the adjustment value is recalculated every time your device uploads new data, you should expect this value to change over the course of the day. Since partner devices track minute to minute, and our program views the entire day as a whole, we then project forward to the end of the day based on your calorie burn so far. MyFitnessPal pulls your calorie burn directly from our total daily calorie App Gallery partners. How do I understand the calorie adjustment breakdown? How do I view the calorie adjustment breakdown Go here to view a list of our current partners.

Total energy partners that are selected as your primary step source will produce a calorie adjustment.